The Alchemy of Pixels 01: Technology, Technique, and Emotional Impact in Image-Making

What is it to define an emotional image and a technical image. An emotional image does not need to be a technical one. A technical image does not need to be an emotional one.

Understanding the technicalities towards image making is not intrinsic to make engaging art. However to me it is an art in and of itself to understand the technicalities. The way one may be moved by a given painting just because of the very content as it showcases something that visually emminanates with the viewer to move them emotionally. For me; understanding the intrinsic detail as to how this painting was made, the context around it, what kind of pigment, brushes and inner workings of how the light reflected off a canvas, a chaotic mess (or orderly structure) of physics and chemistry can spool together to then create a displayed image that then conveys the more direct emotional impact of the content is incredible.

Creating good art from this technology is illogical, irrational. This may be why in modern images, we are told a ‘good image’ is being technically great. I.e. shot with the greatest and latest camera, with the pin sharpest lens displayed on the highest resolution screen in the widest colour space available. It is not to say that the technology does not open doors to new possibilities in artwork but we should try and be critical of what we are looking at and think ‘why does this image move me?’. Sure filmmakers and photographers still land on the side of shooting ‘film’ in a guage to keep the purity of the photographic image, in a protest against the quickening speed of digital imagery, I applaude this as it does keep us critical in what makes a good ’emotional’ image.

For my own practice however, in learning about the technicalities of modern image making wish to use these new array of tools to showcase how the advance in science behind image can now create images with deep rich meaning.

Technology in this field is advancing faster than ever, however we must catch ourselves to make images (static or moving) which have emotional impaction by using the ‘necessary’ tools and not the ‘best’ tools. I will aim to discuss and demonstrate my reasoning to using, or ignoring tools to make images I consider ’emotionally engaging